At the bottom right of our web pages you'll find a pop-out change log which lets you view the specific changes for the page you're viewing. On this page we index all of those seperate changelogs into one central location making it easier to view and track changes from across the entire site.
Below is the changelog for our API documentation. Which is where customers can view the specifications of the API and learn how to implement it within their own software stack.
New Features
Fixes & Corrections
Added a new Java/Kotlin library by SquareCodeFX to the libraries section.
23rd of Mar ’25
The per-second request limits for North America were raised from 600 to 800 due to a new server node being added which increased overall capacity.
1st of Feb ’25
Altered the positive detection logs JSON output to support filtering with a new URL variable called filter, the documentation was updated to reflect this change.
5th of Jan ’25
Altered the WordPress library information as it now supports our Dashboard API's and also added a link to Packagist for the library.
11th of Dec ’24
Added links to a WordPress library and example plugin written by ArrayPress.
9th of Dec ’24
Added links to a CLI app for written in both Python and Go by Roxana Schram to the libraries section.
23rd of Nov ’24
Added support for device estimates to the test console for both singular addresses and subnets. Added a new python command line application written for by Roxanna Schram to the code libraries section.
19th of Nov ’24
Altered the Risk Score section to adjust the recommended actions table and to add a new table showing baseline risk scores for different IP determination types.
24th of Sep ’24
Altered the first paragraph in the Service Limits section to make it clear that sending us an IP or an Email address to be checked uses up just one query.
7th of Sep ’24
Enhanced the API test console by providing the URL that your toggled flags corrospond to for easy url building. Made the test console react instantly to selections and toggles instead of needing to click on a submit button.
3rd of Sep ’24
Added a new action flag to the Custom List Dashboard API called forcedl which allows you to forcibly schedule a Custom List that is set to automatically download content from your provided URL to do so within the next 60 seconds.
4th of Aug ’24
Added references to address ranges and hostnames which have been added to the API result recently. Altered the test console to support outputting address ranges and hostnames.
22nd of Mar ’24
Altered the text that appears beneath the test console to better explain that the address results shown are not live and may differ from live API results.
8th of Jan ’24
Added a new flag: p to the documentation, which allows you to deactivate the pretty-print output of the API (aka the results appear as a single line) which is more appropriate for efficient bandwidth use when only machines will be reading the API output.
25th of Sep ’23
The node.js library on this page was changed to a new one utilising typescript written by neo773.
27th of Jun ’23
The ruby gem made by Jonathan De Jong was updated to support our v2 API and so the library table of features was updated to reflect this change.
13th of Jun ’23
The cache time displayed for queries was altered, it used to be 10 to 60 seconds, it is now 10 seconds to 10 minutes. The cache time is per-node and depends on how many queries you're sending per second with the higher the volume of queries you make resulting in a longer cache time.
12th of Jun ’23
Altered all references to requests per second (RPS) in the documentation as the limits have been raised from 125 to 200 RPS.
26th of Apr ’23
Altered the test console to support currency data which has been introduced in the latest version of the API. Added several currency related variables to the Custom Rules documentation.
25th of Jan ’23
Added a new section called Geography Data which introduces our new resources URL for gaining metadata relevent to our API results. Added references to currency data which is new in the API when using the &asn=1 flag, references included a new flag to disable currency data if desired.
14th of Jan ’23
Altered the server-side url example to include a warning about sending email addresses in URLs due to character conflicts, recommending instead to send them using the POST method.
4th of Jan ’23
Added references to postcodes which were added to the API output and also to custom rules for use in conditions and as variables. Altered the variable name for operators from %OPERATOR_NAME% to %OPERATORNAME%, both ways will function but the corrected name is more in-line with our design guidelines. Added postcodes to the test console.
29th of Oct ’22
Added references to timezones which were added to the API output and also to custom rules for use in conditions and as variables.
31st of Aug ’22
Added references to the new Dashboard API per-second request limits (2 per second / 20 per 10 seconds) to the Dashboard API tab.
12th of Aug ’22
Added a new query flag &short=1 which compresses the API result by removing one array depth from the result, this makes the API easier to parse in some languages. Updated the query flags section of the API documentation to enable a new VPN flag mode, &vpn=3 which displays both proxy and vpn results side-by-side instead of overwriting the VPN check result with a Proxy result.
13th of Jun ’22
Updated the query flags section of the API documentation to show support for &vpn=2 which allows you to disable proxy checks and only perform VPN checking.
1st of Jun ’22
Added a new Custom Lists sectioin to the Dashboard API tab. Removed the Whitelist/Blacklist documentation from the Dashboard API tab.
29th of May ’22
Multiple parts of the API documentation were updated to add information about disposable email checking which is a new feature of the API.
15th of Feb ’22
The text explaining how only one rule can execute within the custom rules feature was updated to explain that there is now a toggle to allow continued executed even after a rule is run.
21st of Jan ’22
Updated the test console to use categories for the dropdown options and added operator data under a new VPN selection. Updated the Custom Variables section of the custom rules tab to include our new %OPERATOR_NAME% variable.
3rd of Dec ’21
The page theme was updated to our new Glass theme for both light and dark modes.
10th of Nov ’21
Improved the appearance of data tables throughout the API documentation.
25th of Oct ’21
Improved the API documentations readability when viewed using our dark theme. Updated the Account Usage Exporting dashboard API output example with burst token availability and allowance responses.
3rd of Sep ’21
Updated the code libraries section as the Java library by DefianceCoding has received a major release which now supports our Dashboard API
20th of Aug ’21
The documentation now remembers which tab you last interacted with and shows it by default on a repeat visit. Corrected some poorly worded sentences within the Custom Rules documentation to make them easier to understand.
1st of Aug ’21
Updated the Custom Rule Limits section to show the new higher limits accounts now have. Removed the inf query flag from the API documentation as it has been depreciated, all queries now use inference with no way to disable it.
14th of May ’21
Added a new section to the Custom Rules tab which details the existence of the rule library found within the customer dashboard. Updated the Query Flags section to add documentation for the ver flag which allows you to override the version in use for your API request on a per-request basis.
24th of Apr ’21
Updated the Type Responses section to added two new types, SOCKS4A and SOCKS5H which are types of proxy server that provide hostname resolution.
16th of Mar ’21
Updated the Service Limits section to move South America to within the North American section as they are now both served by the same region.
10th of Feb ’21
Updated the North American Service Limits section as we have added another server to North America which raises the overall request limit for that region.
31st of Jan ’21
Updated the Service Limits section to detail how request limits are now region based due to new nodes coming online outside of Europe for the first time.
24th of Dec ’20
Updated the Dashboard API documentation to add a new section about how to use the new CORS API endpoint.
12th of Dec ’20
Added an explanation to the Query Flags section detailing that certain parts of our API response will be encoded using utf8 for maximum compatibility.
28th of Nov ’20
Updated the API documentation to add references to the Burst Token feature within the Service Limits section. Updated the Status Codes section to include new responses you may encounter as a result of Burst Tokens being used.
17th of Nov ’20
Added a python wrapper written by WardPearce which has full v2 API support.
10th of Nov ’20
Updated the cluster per-second request limits within the Service Limits section as we've added a new cluster node that increased the overall limit by 20%.
3rd of Nov ’20
Updated the Querying the API section to include detailed information about how to perform client-side API requests.
14th of Oct ’20
The test console was updated to include "Residential" and "Business" as new clean type responses.
17th of Aug ’20
Added a new type "Business" which joins the new Residential, Wireless and Hosting types.
3rd of Aug ’20
Updated the types section to include new responses we are testing internally those include Residential, Wireless and Hosting type responses.
1st of Aug ’20
Added support for showing users how many Custom Rules they have access to on the Custom Rules tab if they're logged into an account. This also displays any extra rules they've gained for properly securing their account with a password and two-factor authenticator.
20th of Jun ’20
Added documentation for the new Region and Region Code information now exposed by the v2 API when providing the &asn=1 flag with your queries.
23rd of Apr ’20
The section regarding CDN Caching was updated to include information about our new Adaptive Caching feature.
2nd of Mar ’20
Documentation updated to show new cluster request limits as we've increased cluster capacity by 25% today.
1st of Feb ’20
Updated all of our API documentation to support the availability of our continent location data.
22nd of Dec ’19
Updated the Custom Rules documentation to include new screenshots and instructions on how to use our condition groups feature.
27th of Nov ’19
Added a new section to the Dashboard API tab detailing our new tag dashboard API that lets you get detailed data about your tag use including detection types and addressess associated with your tags.
24th of Aug ’19
Added a new library for Node.js written by PLASMAchicken. Has full support for our v2 API and our Dashboard API's
20th of Aug ’19
Added a new Custom Variables section to the Custom Rules tab which shows users how to use variables inside their output modifiers custom value boxes.
4th of Aug ’19
Added a new tab which documents how to use our Custom Rules feature present within the customer dashboard.
27th of Jul ’19
Updated the new Attack History documentation within the Risk Score section to make clear the attack history shown adheres to the &days= flag you specify with your request.
23rd of Jun ’19
Added new Attack History documentation to the Risk Score sections, added attack history support to the test console.
19th of Jun ’19
Added a table to the Service Limits section to explain how our CDN caches queries for different account types.
1st of Jun ’19
Per second request limiter resolution increased from 1 second to 10 seconds. Documentation was updated to reflect this change. CDN Edge caching was enabled, your queries are now cached for 10 seconds at the edge (unique, per-customer caching, uses entire request url as cache salt)
24th of May ’19
Updated the Code Libraries section to indicate that the PHP Library authored by now has full dashboard API support, previously it only had partial support.
18th of May ’19
Completely redesigned the API Documentation, now includes a movable side navigation menu, rewritten most documentation, a brand new test console and removal of v1 API documentation.
24th of Apr ’19
The v2 API documentation was updated to include two new status codes for request limits. We now have a soft per-second request limit of 100 and a hard limit of 125. Updated the &days= flag to show it now supports float values, you can for example supply &days=0.01 to check our data from only within the past 24 minutes.
19th of Apr ’19
Updated the v2 documentation to include our new risk flag which provides you with a risk assessment score between 0 and 100 when checking an IP Address against the API.
6th of Mar ’19
Added new documentation for the pagination feature which has been added to the JSON export feature of the positive detection log wishin customer dashboards.
19th of Feb ’19
Added new type responses for ShadowSocks and OpenVPN servers.
12th of Feb ’19
Altered the API Call text for the v2 API to make it more clear that multiple addresses can be checked within a single request using a POST method.
20th of Dec ’18
The v2 API documentation was updated to include new information about our ASN flag which now includes city, langitude and longitude coordinates if known for the IP being checked.
23rd of Nov ’18
Updated the v2 API documentation to include all current type responses and explanations for them.
15th of Nov ’18
Updated the v2 API documentation to say we now allow 10,000 IP's to be checked in a single query up from 1,000.
6th of Aug ’18
The way our tag flag functions has been altered and so we adjusted the tag flag documentation to include an explanation on how you can disable tagging. We also added a new section regarding the storage limits of positive detections within your account when supplying blank tags.
3rd of Jul ’18
Country ISO Codes were added to both the v1 and v2 API endpoints when supplying the &asn=1 flag and so the documentation was updated to include this new response in all examples.
29th of Jun ’18
Added a new Country Array section which lists all the countries you can expect in a query response from our API when using the &asn=1 flag.
27th of Jun ’18
Added a new Query Flag Reference section.
26th of May ’18
A new export API has been added to the Dashboard API tab so you can view your daily query allowance.
4th of May ’18
New status codes and messages have been added to the v2 API, the documentation on this page has been updated with all the information regarding this new feature.
19th of Apr ’18
Updated v2 API documentation to include new Port, Days and Seen flags. Changed format of flag viewing to a cursor hover and reveal interface.
15th of Mar ’18
Updated wording on v2 API documentation to explain the API now allows 1,000 IP Addresses to be checked in a single query and we now have a 90 second processing time limit per query made. New specific error text examples were added to the bottom of the v2 API documentation.
5th of Feb ’18
Updated the API documentation for our new v2 API endpoint, altered the appearance of the page to use our new CSS style.
1st of Jan ’18
Below is the changelog for our code examples. Which is where we list example code for various commonly used languages including PHP, C#, Java, Python and more.
New Features
Fixes & Corrections
Added a new Java/Kotlin library by SquareCodeFX.
23rd of Mar ’25
Added a new WordPress library to the PHP tab written by ArrayPress.
9th of Dec ’24
Added a new python command line application written for by Roxanna Schram.
19th of Nov ’24
A new node.js library written by neo773 was added to this page.
27th of Jun ’23
The page theme was updated to our new Glass theme for both light and dark modes.
10th of Nov ’21
Updated the Java example tab as the library shown there has been updated with full Dashboard support and new URL's
20th of Aug ’21
Added a python wrapper written by WardPearce which has full v2 API support.
10th of Nov ’20
Added a new library for Node.js written by PLASMAchicken. Has full support for our v2 API and our Dashboard API's
20th of Aug ’19
Updated the composer code example to feature all the new option parameters such as our RISK_DATA and ALLOWED_COUNTRIES options.
27th of Jun ’19
Updated the C# code example from hollow87 which now includes v2 API support in its latest 2.0.0 release.
22nd of Dec ’18
Added a new Java tab which includes a new Java API from DefianceCoding.
24th of Jul ’18
Moved around the position of our Basic PHP Function so it's more visible for users who just want to use that instead of our Composer library.
1st of Jul ’18
Added composer install instructions to the PHP example code tab. Removed basic PHP example and replaced it with a link to our PHP function.
9th of Jun ’18
Most example code was updated to use the new v2 API and the CSS styling was updated.
2nd of Jan ’18
New examples were added for curl, Node.js, Python and Ruby, layouts were also updated.
10th of Nov ’17
The page apperance was updated with a new tab view for the different examples, this is getting ready for a wider selection of examples coming soon. A C# example was also added.
13th of Sep ’17
Three new minecraft plugins were added to the page.
26th of Jun ’17
The PHP Example was updated to include our new query tagging feature.
25th of May ’17
A better PHP example utilising functions and curl on GitHub was linked to from this page.
7th of Apr ’17
Information about a 3rd party Minecraft plugin which uses our API was added to the page.
1st of Apr ’17
Below is the changelog for our contact page. Which is where customers can quickly and easily get in touch with us via email or web form.
New Features
Fixes & Corrections
Switched from hCaptcha to CloudFlare Turnstile for the Captcha solution on the contact page (and across the site) due to it being more seamless for users.
7th of Nov ’24
Altered the dropdown options under 'reason for contacting' to be more concise, removed two redundant options and reworded several others.
5th of Sep ’24
Altered the contact options to remove webchat and imessage due to support volumes being too high, email is now the preferred support method.
24th of Aug ’23
Corrected an issue where the 'Make a crypto payment' option failed to work in our webform.
29th of Jun ’23
Added hCaptcha to the page which is served only to unregistered users to cut down on spam messages sent through the contact form. Improved the dark theme on the contact page, specifically the result messages that appear after submitting a message through the contact form.
28th of Apr ’23
When reporting incorrect data to us there is now a slide out information card which explains why the address the visitor is using may have a specific determination attached to it.
21st of Sep ’22
Added the option to make a crypto payment request from the reason dropdown selector.
12th of Sep ’22
The page theme was updated to our new Glass theme for both light and dark modes.
10th of Nov ’21
Improved the darkmode for the contact webform. Added more information to be sent with the webform to assist customers faster.
6th of Nov ’21
If you're logged into the customer dashboard your email address will be automatically populated in the contact form for you.
10th of Apr ’21
Added a new contact dropdown, "request a feature" to make it clearer that we welcome feature requests. Altered the anti-proxy protection on the web form to allow addresses detected as proxies to submit a bad IP request.
4th of Feb ’21
Updated the page with a new contact form, making it faster to get support.
28th of Mar ’19
This page has been rewritten with clear support buttons and live availability indicators.
21st of Nov ’17
Below is the changelog for the customer dashboard. Which is where customers manage their account settings, view their usage statistics and control their paid subscription.
New Features
Fixes & Corrections
Changed the API version selector dropdown to show which versions of the API are currently supported and which are unsupported. Added a dashboard notification to inform users when they're using an unsupported version of the API and a recommendation to upgrade.
3rd of Feb ’25
Altered the positive detection logs JSON output to support filtering with a new URL variable called filter. Corrected an unescaped slashes issue in the JSON output of the positive detection log API.
5th of Jan ’25
Corrected an issue where Javascript based client-side implementations of our API wouldn't be able to access the HMAC key due to a cross-origin resource sharing header being missing in the API response.
28th of Dec ’24
Added support for localhost to the CORS origin tab to facilitate local development environment testing.
27th of Dec ’24
A new version of the API was added to the API version selector, this new API version includes device count estimates for addresses and subnets when using the &asn=1 query flag. Added support for device count estimates for both addresses and subnets to the Custom Rules feature.
19th of Nov ’24
Added CloudFlare Turnstile to registration and account recovery forms throughout the site due to abnormal botting behaviour.
6th of Nov ’24
When adding a new condition to a rule any previously selected condition target and condition type you made will be pre-selected on the newly inserted condition. Conditions within custom rules can now be clicked on and dragged to change their positions in the condition stack.
12th of Oct ’24
When a pre-paid plan is coming to an end you will now receive a notification email about it 5 days before the end instead of 24 hours before, giving you more time to react to the notice and minimise the chance of service disruption.
7th of Oct ’24
Corrected an issue where upgrading your plan to one with more burst tokens than your current plan has while being over your daily query allowance could cause a burst token to be consumed immediately after the upgrade is applied.
20th of Sep ’24
Added the ability to filter your account activity log using a text entry field found at the top of the log.
5th of Sep ’24
Removed the Google One VPN service from the Custom Rule Library due to the service having been shut down on June 20th 2024 by Google.
3rd of Sep ’24
Altered the behaviour of the QPS (Queries Per Second) display on the stats tab of the Dashboard. It will now increase the polling time between updates when no queries are occuring to save resources.
24th of Aug ’24
Raised the Dashboard API limits to 50 requests per 10 seconds instead of 20 requests per 10 seconds to reduce instances of error messages when using the dashboard normally. Added number formatting to the Custom Lists counter displays to make larger lists easier to read and interpret.
11th of Aug ’24
Corrected an issue where some operator data in the API, Dashboard and Threat pages would be omitted when an IP had multiple data sources.
5th of Aug ’24
Added a new action flag to the Custom List Dashboard API called forcedl which allows you to forcibly schedule a Custom List that is set to automatically download content from your provided URL to do so within the next 60 seconds.
4th of Aug ’24
Corrected an issue in the API where Custom List content would be ignored when referencing multiple Custom Lists containing different categories of information in a Custom Rule.
14th of Jul ’24
Improved the reliability of the positive detection log especially for accounts with high volumes of logged queries.
2nd of Jul ’24
Corrected an issue where IPv4 address ranges present in Custom Lists may propergate into a lower Custom List.
29th of Jun ’24
Added a new HMAC section which provides a key for hash comparisons of our API payloads to verify they haven't been manipulated on route.
26th of Jun ’24
Corrected an issue where if you had multiple Custom Lists and used the save all button it would combine their list content in our database causing incorrect data to be utilised by the API.
13th of Jun ’24
Twenty new account activity log types were added related to system and support initiated events including payment reminders, query overages, plan expirations, email failure issues etc.
31st of May ’24
Added a new account activity log feature which lets you view all the activity pertaining to your account in one concise location. Altered the emails you receive when logging into your account from a new address to include the geographical region and country of the login. Changed the color used on the close account and erase all data button to be red so it's more prominent and easy to notice.
30th of May ’24
Corrected an issue when purchasing a paid plan you may have received an error message that your plan couldn't be applied although it had already been applied.
8th of May ’24
Improved login security by implementing more stringent login attempt time outs.
7th of May ’24
All the statistics shown on the stats tab now break out blacklisted and custom rule based detections into their own categories. Corrected the Chart display found at the bottom of the stats tab so that the colors always correspond correctly to the items being shown in the chart. Fixed a server 500 error when deleting all custom lists from the dashboard.
13th of Apr ’24
Today hostnames were added to the API. As a result the custom rules feature was updated to support this new data provider in conditions.
22nd of Mar ’24
Increased the resiliency of applying a paid plan to an account when communication with our payment processor is malfunctioning.
21st of Mar ’24
Corrected an issue in some browsers where the queries today and queries total displays would have a low-contrast font color.
19th of Mar ’24
Corrected a visual issue with the stats usage graph where in some browsers when changing the data being viewed it would result in the page scrolling up erroneously.
18th of Mar ’24
Altered the top navigation bar across the entire website to stay pinned at the top of your web browser while turning translucent with a subtle blur when scrolling.
17th of Mar ’24
Hardened the account recovery tokens that are issued to customers so that they cannot be reused once the accounts password or email address are altered.
14th of Mar ’24
Added dividers to the Custom Rules feature allowing for visual seperation between unrelated rules.
16th of Feb ’24
Added support for IPv4 and IPv6 CIDR ranges to be utilised by Custom Rules directly without the need for them to be loaded from a Custom List. Corrected an issue where IPv6 CIDR ranges loaded from a Custom List by a Custom Rule were not adhered to.
15th of Feb ’24
Switched country information for IP addresses presented in the dashboard from utilising Maxmind country data to our own data.
31st of Jan ’24
Corrected an issue where if you have a custom rule that has multiple conditions that reference one or more custom lists any condition after the first one would fail to retrieve the content of the custom list referenced.
25th of Jan ’24
Corrected an issue where if you have more than one custom list and try to reference any list but the first one in a rule for IP address pickup it may fail to collect the addresses from the list.
2nd of Jan ’24
Corrected an issue where design rules for small screened devices were not being adhered to properly.
17th of Dec ’23
Corrected an issue where some icons wouldn't load due to a change in web standards introduced with the latest browser releases.
12th of Dec ’23
Altered the account recovery token system to be more resilient against mail clients and providers which may automatically access the one-time token link before the user does.
29th of Nov ’23
Added operator names to the positive detection log so you can now see the exact VPN operator in the log directly.
27th of Nov ’23
Corrected an issue where if you had an untriggered rule beneath a triggered rule which had continued execution enabled the check being performed may not adhere to the executed custom rule.
25th of Nov ’23
Corrected an issue where AS numbers and provider names for some IP addresses could be omitted when checking via our API, threat, dashboard or web interface pages.
23rd of Aug ’23
The query usage chart found at the bottom of the stats tab now supports viewing the past 90 days of usage instead of only 30 days and more resolution options were added to the increment dropdown.
16th of Aug ’23
Altered the user interface on both the custom rules and custom lists tabs to unify the control button layout appearances.
26th of Jun ’23
Added a new filter field to both the Custom Rules and Custom Lists tabs which allow you to search for specific entries by either name or content. Added a new toggle to the Custom Rules and Custom Lists tabs which allows you to hide disabled rules/lists. Added a new button to the top of your Custom Rules & Lists which enables you to add entries to the top of your stack.
21st of Jun ’23
Corrected an issue where it was possible to upgrade or downgrade your plan to reset the burst tokens you've already consumed this month.
11th of Jun ’23
Custom plans for customers will now appear in the Dashboard and can be purchased, upgraded to and downgraded from like any other plan.
8th of Jun ’23
Vastly improved the accuracy and quantity of location data for addresses across all v2 API versions.
6th of Jun ’23
Improved the loading speed of the Dashboard through the use of server-side JIT compilation. Improved the clarity of the QR code that is generated by the Dashboard thus making it easier for phone cameras to detect it on the page. Corrected an issue where customers would not receive immediate query exhaustion emails even if they had enabled that option from the settings tab.
28th of May ’23
Today continent codes (isocode representation of continents) were added to the API. As a result the custom rules feature was updated to support this new data provider in conditions.
14th of May ’23
Corrected an issue where pasting address ranges into a custom list could cause erroneous line breaks to propergate into the range entry server-side and cause an IP to not be blocked or whitelisted when checked against the API.
10th of May ’23
Improved the responsiveness of paging through your positive detection log through the use of an improved node-to-node communication system.
4th of May ’23
Corrected a minor display issue with the next gen usage graph for new accounts that haven't yet generated any chartable traffic.
2nd of May ’23
Corrected an issue where the Custom Rule Library would fail to load.
11th of Apr ’23
Improved the reliability of the QPS display while simultaneously reducing its performance impact and data payload size.
10th of Apr ’23
Added Country and Continent suggestions to the condition value input fields within the Custom Rules feature. Improved the apperance and instruction of the Custom List suggestions that appear in the Custom Rules condition value input fields. Corrected an issue where Custom Lists would not be suggested for condition values in Custom Rules.
7th of Apr ’23
Corrected an issue where blacklist ranges would not be adhered to if a rule triggered on an address after the list was processed by the latest two versions of the API.
27th of Mar ’23
Corrected an issue when creating a custom rule with a latitude or longitude condition that starts with a value below zero and ends in a value above zero. Corrected an issue in the latest and previous version of the API when presenting a rule that has a latitude or longitude condition that both begin below zero.
14th of Mar ’23
Added a brand new stats graph to the statistics tab which allows for per-minute precision and display in your local time zone.
11th of Mar ’23
Added a new custom rule to the rule library targetting Google's VPN service called Google One. The new rule allows you to easily whitelist this service. Altered the Apple iCloud Private Relay custom rule within the rule library to better target Apples iCloud servers. Corrected an issue where singular IPv6 addresses in custom lists would not be picked up from the input field.
12th of Feb ’23
Corrected a CORS API issue where if you only ever added CORS domains to your account via API they wouldn't be linked to your account.
28th of Jan ’23
Added the Zepto Javascript library to the CORS tab within the Javascript Examples section, this library offers the same features as JQuery but at one third the size.
26th of Jan ’23
Added support for BETA versions of the API to the API version selector found within the settings tab, when you select a BETA version you will be transitioned to the stable version once released. Fixed an issue where using an older version of the API could make a notification display below the API version selector which omitted the name of the latest API version.
14th of Jan ’23
Altered the PayPal and Cryptocoin payment tabs to show that we now support lower than 12 month terms when purchasing Pro, Business or Enterprise plans.
5th of Jan ’23
Corrected an issue where the positive detection log would not show blacklisted entries.
3rd of Jan ’23
Corrected an issue where some accounts that were subscribed to a plan wouldn't be able to interact with the Dashboard due to a regression introduced earlier in the day.
2nd of Jan ’23
Altered the behaviour of sending the user their API key via email for both signing up for service and when changing keys for enhanced security.
14th of Dec ’22
Corrected an issue where users wouldn't receive daily query overage notices if a burst token was active.
9th of Nov ’22
Added a usage bar below the queries today menu item to make it easier for users to visualise their daily usage as a percentage. Altered the queries today and queries total counts to round to the nearest thousand, million, billion. This will greatly assist customers with very large query usage. Corrected the behaviour of the pre-load population of total queries display which would show 1 instead of the real total queries due to a formatting problem.
3rd of Nov ’22
Added colored borders to control panes within the CORS, Custom Rules and Custom List tabs when using our light theme for added contrast.
1st of Nov ’22
Corrected an issue where your dark/light theme preference would be forgotten after your session expired on Gecko derived browsers (Firefox etc) Fixed an issue with custom lists where by certain characters would display incorrectly due to a character encoding issue.
27th of Oct ’22
Added support for postcodes to the API, as a result the Custom Rules feature was updated to allow for Postcode use as an API provided value in conditions and as output variables.
17th of Oct ’22
Corrected a datalist issue that could allow for mismatched custom list suggestions within the custom rule value boxes.
11th of Oct ’22
Added the ability to choose when your previous API key is revoked when generating a new API key, allowing for uninterrupted service availability during key changes. Altered the generate a new API key and close account buttons to have improved confirmation controls which will make it harder to perform unintended account actions. The dashboard usage API endpoint now shows if a burst token is currently active or not.
17th of Sep ’22
Added a new way to pay for service using many varieties of Cryptocoin, the new tab is available under Paid Options. Remade the PayPal payment tab to make it easier to read at a glance with labelled sub-sections.
12th of Sep ’22
Added a new sign out section to the bottom left of the dashboard which lets you sign out of your account on all your currently signed in computers/browsers in addition to the one you're currently using.
The sign out everywhere button will only appear if you're signed in on multiple devices/browsers. Improved the readability of the set-password prompt on our dark mode website theme. Updated the icons used on the dashboard and throughout the site to the latest FontAwesome Pro icon set. Improved the security of login sessions by reducing their expiry time from 1-year to 6-months. Session tokens now expire server-side (after 6 months) in addition to client-side and every new login generates a unique session token. When manually signing out of your account the token associated with your session is now erased server-side and not just client-side. Improved the initial loading time of the dashboard and the loading speed of the positive detection log when paging through entries.
9th of Sep ’22
Corrected a Dashboard email change bug that would allow for multiple accounts to have the same email address.
4th of Sep ’22
Corrected a Dashboard caching issue that allowed the browser to store a cached version of the page even after logging out.
3rd of Sep ’22
Added support for Time Zones to the API. The custom rule feature has also been updated to support the use of Time Zones in conditions.
31st of Aug ’22
Added API request limits to the dashboard API's, 1 to 2 requests per second are enforced for users who regularly make a lot of requests per minute. Improved the reliability of the daily query usage display at the top of the dashboard.
11th of Aug ’22
Corrected an issue where some customers may have their daily query usage statistics cease to update.
9th of Aug ’22
Corrected an XSS vulnerability with the global back button across the majority of our webpages.
21st of Jul ’22
Added confirmation buttons to all plan alteration boxes so that unintended upgrades or downgrades are less likely to occur.
9th of Jul ’22
Corrected an issue with the legacy blacklist/whitelist API, when adding entries the default type of the list would be set to Custom instead of Whitelisted or Blacklisted.
17th of Jun ’22
Added number formatting to the plan type shown in the top stat bar to better showcase larger customers data without breaking the page layout. Slightly brightened up the white glass theme used across the site so it looks less grey.
7th of Jun ’22
Improved the reliability of password managers to locate the correct login fields for the dashboard.
28th of May ’22
Corrected an issue where whitelisted or blacklisted singular addresses would not be acted upon by the API. Added a new Custom Lists tab which enables you to create blacklists, whitelists and other kinds of custom lists for later rule use. Added support for specifying custom lists by name within the Custom Rules feature. Removed the individual Whitelist and Blacklist tabs and in their place is the new Custom Lists tab.
25th of May ’22
Altered the wording on the custom rules tab which explains how many additional rules become available when upgrading your plan to the next tier.
22nd of May ’22
Corrected some misaligned menus on the CORS tab.
16th of May ’22
Added the ability to manually pay invoices which couldn't be collected automatically from the Paid Options tab (Toggle Invoice section).
20th of Apr ’22
Moved the node names from a main column in the positive detection log to the tooltip when hovering over an entries time column.
20th of Feb ’22
Improved the positive detection log's ability to display disposable email addresses.
19th of Feb ’22
Support for email statistics, logs and whitelist/blacklisting was added to the dashboard to support our new disposable email feature.
15th of Feb ’22
A bug where toggling your Dashboard API access off could have no effect on some Dashboard API endpoints.
3rd of Feb ’22
The prices for our second and third business plans were increased and the prices on all enterprise plans were increased. (These price changes only apply to newly started plans or when changing plans, currently held plans will not see price increases)
25th of Jan ’22
Improved both the light and dark versions of our glass theme especially for background colors and drop shadows.
22nd of Jan ’22
Added a new toggle to custom rules which allows for rules to continue processing even after a rule has been triggered.
21st of Jan ’22
Added support for customers to upgrade or downgrade their plans from within the dashboard. Added a credit balance display for customers who have downgraded their plans and received back a credit towards future invoices.
19th of Jan ’22
Corrected an issue where the Two-Factor QR code found within the settings tab would sometimes fail to load.
18th of Jan ’22
Corrected an issue where an undetected/clean address wouldn't show a risk score in an API result when a custom rule had executed on the address and the risk score flag had been enabled.
7th of Jan ’22
Added support for managed rules in the custom rule library.
2nd of Jan ’22
Corrected some javascript errors related to disabled scripts such as our live-chat which is now only active on our contact us page. Altered the dashboards iFrame cross-origin policy to protect against clickjacking attacks.
23rd of Dec ’21
Added support for Organisation names as an API provided value within Custom Rules (requires API version dated 2nd of December 2021 or newer to use)
21st of Dec ’21
Improved the initial loading time of the Dashboard by removing unneeded database interactions.
11th of Dec ’21
Added a new queries per second (QPS) real-time display to the top right of the stats tab allowing customers to view the queries they're making in real-time.
8th of Dec ’21
Added a new category to the API Provided Values dropdown for VPN Operator information. Altered the dropdown formatting for API Provided Values within the Custom Rules tab, now places data providers in categories. Added support for arrays in API Output Modifiers when inserting [] at the end of a Custom Output Name.
2nd of Dec ’21
Corrected an issue where the country map would fail to load for customers with very large positive detection rates.
24th of Nov ’21
Vastly improved the Dashboard for smaller screened devices, especially phones.
15th of Nov ’21
Decreased the perceived loading time of the Dashboard by having the UI become fully visible sooner.
12th of Nov ’21
The dashboard has had its appearance refreshed, now features our topological background and better support for smaller screened devices.
10th of Nov ’21
Corrected an issue where rules added from the rule library couldn't be saved once added to your account.
8th of Nov ’21
Added a last modified time to the custom rules interface enabling you to see the last time you changed, toggled or saved a rule. Added two new condition types to the custom rule feature, greater than or equal to and lesser than or equal to, both are usable on all v2 API versions. These join the previous greater than and lesser than conditions.
6th of Nov ’21
Improvements were made to the dark mode theme on the dashboard. A warning to change your email address will now appear at the top of your dashboard if we've been unable to email you due to your provider bouncing our emails.
23rd of Oct ’21
Altered the discount percentage shown from 8.44% to 8.33% when purchasing a yearly plan - The previously displayed percentage was an error and the discount has always been 8.33%.
11th of Oct ’21
Added a new rule to the rule library which allows iCloud Private Relay to bypass being blocked as a VPN.
10th of Oct ’21
Added the ability to delete your account and all associated data from the settings tab of the dashboard. Some improvements were made to the dark mode removing bright colors on certain buttons and disabled fields.
7th of Oct ’21
Added a Facebook targeting rule to the rule library. The custom rules interface was updated with support for downloading individual rules to your computer. The JSON Import feature on the Custom Rules tab now appends imported rules to your account instead of replacing any rules you may have had there. Altered the wording that is sent via email when enabling two-factor authentication to make it clearer to read. Corrected a darkmode-lightmode switch issue with an icon on the settings page.
24th of Sep ’21
Corrected an issue where the two extra custom rules you receive for securing your account with a password and a two-factor authenticator were not being accounted for when activating custom rules within the Dashboard.
17th of Sep ’21
Corrected an issue with our Metis server where it was unable to apply paid plans or alter most account settings due to a database permission issue.
15th of Sep ’21
The wording surrounding PayPal payments was updated to remove references to 6 month plan times. We now only allow for 12 months of time to be purchased via PayPal one-time payments.
13th of Sep ’21
Added Burst Token Allowances to the Dashboard's Usage API.
3rd of Sep ’21
Added a notification to prompt users to upgrade their API version when they are using an outdated version.
17th of Aug ’21
Fixed an issue where clicking the update card details button failed to do anything.
16th of Aug ’21
Updated the checkout flow to use server-side setup as opposed to client-side. This enables more features such as remebering past customers when they start new plans.
14th of Aug ’21
Added support for dark mode across the entire dashboard.
6th of Aug ’21
Added two new custom output modifiers to the Custom Rules feature which enable you to force on or force off logging for a checked address.
24th of Jun ’21
Added a new Blogging category to the Custom Rule Library which includes two new rules that will help to reduce the query usage caused by poorly configured crawler bots.
29th of May ’21
Fixed an issue where paid subscribers wouldn't be able to view their whitelist, blacklist or stats from within the dashboard.
21st of May ’21
Added clear Burst Token activity indicators to the top info bar so you can see if a Burst Token is currently being used to boost your daily query allowance. Altered the wording and appearance of the paid options tab when an active subscription is present. It now features a two-column design that better scales for smaller displays.
20th of May ’21
Corrected an issue where it was possible to save a custom rule which contained invalid API Provided Values or Comparison Types under certain scenarios.
15th of May ’21
The volume of custom rules were increased for all paid plans. Starter plans now start with 9 rules instead of 6 and increment in 3. Pro increment by 5, Business increment by 10 and Enterprise increment by 15.
5th of May ’21
Corrected an issue with the highest Starter Plan not applying properly when purchased for a year due to an invalid SKU ID.
4th of May ’21
Made the dashboard more resilient against payment flow breakages such as when a customer copies the checkout URL to be paid on another device. Added a new custom rule to the rule library for showing hosting providers in the API's connection type output.
24th of Apr ’21
Corrected an issue where attack history wouldn't be shown within the Dashboard's positive detection log. Added two new custom rules to the rule library for blocking regions within specific countries.
17th of Apr ’21
API Keys will no longer be included automatically with all automated emails to customers, they will only be included when required.
10th of Apr ’21
Improved the reliability of loading paid customer information when the dashboard is presented with an expired payment token. Improved the speed of generating a new API Key and added a new restriction of one API Key change per 8 hours per account.
17th of Mar ’21
Updated the colors on various navigation bars to be more vibrant and added dropshadows to white text to improve readability.
2nd of Mar ’21
Added tooltips to all buttons that only feature icons to make the dashboard easier to understand. Corrected an issue where the automatic refreshing of the positive detection log may fail to function correctly.
1st of Mar ’21
The automatic refreshing of the positive detection log now remembers your play/pause setting between visits. The automatic refreshing of the positive detection log will now unpause when collapsing a log entry or changing pages but only if you've not manually disabled automatic refreshing. Added intermediary loading placeholders for parts of the dashboard that load into the page after the page has been initially loaded.
27th of Feb ’21
Added automatic refreshing of the positive detection log with automatic pausing when interacting with specific log entries.
26th of Feb ’21
Added a new colored badge to the positive detection log for Blacklisted entries, it's dark grey with black text and makes them easier to see. Altered the lookback time for the positive detection logs detailed threat view from 7 days to 30 days for higher accuracy in detailing detected threats.
12th of Feb ’21
The changelog feature (which you're currently reading) was updated to include color coding for highlighting new features, improvements and fixes. Corrected an issue where under rare circumstances setting up a new paid plan could fail to be automatically fulfilled.
2nd of Feb ’21
Added a new Gaming category to the custom rule library accompanied by a rule to whitelist popular cloud gaming services.
28th of Jan ’21
Added a new Rule Library to the Custom Rules tab which contains 18 of the most common rule types people ask for assistance in creating.
20th of Jan ’21
Corrected an issue that could stop you reliably removing a CORS domain from within the dashboard interface. Corrected an issue that could stop one or more nodes synchronising customer data with each other under specific and rare scenarios.
18th of Jan ’21
Added wildcard support to the CORS feature enabling a single entry to cover both the top level domain and all sub-domains. Added CORS API endpoint for viewing and manipulating your origins remotely. View full documentation here
12th of Dec ’20
Improved the CORS import/export feature to disregard extraneous information along with backend storage improvements for faster CORS loading both by the API and Dashboard. Corrected a cross-site origin header issue on both the usage and queries export API endpoints.
11th of Dec ’20
Added support for burst tokens to the dashboard allowing customers to gain a safety net for unusually high bursts of activity several times per month.
17th of Nov ’20
Updated the Stripe implementation throughout the Dashboard to the latest version.
3rd of Nov ’20
Altered the monthly stat charts to load dynamically for a faster initial loading time of the dashboard.
24th of Oct ’20
Altered the badges that appear throughout the dashboard to use our updated design guidelines.
12th of Oct ’20
Added support for commenting out entries in your Whitelist/Blacklist by prepending a line with a hash (#). If you've already done this you will need to re-save your whitelist/blacklist to have it take effect.
10th of Oct ’20
Improved the QR Code generator for the Two-Factor Authentication feature to be faster to load and more reliable.
3rd of Oct ’20
Slightly cleaned up the Custom Rules tab by consolidating three alert boxes into one unified alert.
28th of Sep ’20
Corrected a regression in the Dashboard that caused the CORS feature to not allow adjustments (additions or removals of domains).
17th of Sep ’20
Fixed an issue where updating your payment information wouldn't update it on your currently held subscription if an invoice had already been issued.
15th of Sep ’20
Fixed a cross-site scripting vulnerability in the display of the most active tag stats.
30th of Aug ’20
Added notifications to the dashboard for when we need to inform customers of something important such as when their email address stops accepting our mail.
29th of Aug ’20
Altered the message that appears when an account has been disabled for a terms of service violation to match our new design guidelines.
28th of Aug ’20
Added support for customers to change the API Version utilised when answering their queries. Corrected an issue where clicking somewhere on the page mid-way through changing your email address could trigger the email change code. Corrected a setting save issue when toggling both the Main API and Dashboard API access to off.
18th of Aug ’20
Renamed the custom rule "Proxy Type" condition to "Connection Type" as we are soon broadening this type response in our API to include Residential, Wireless and Hosting response types.
1st of Aug ’20
Improved the navigation bar view when accessed on a smaller screened device by reducing text size and even removing text entirely when appropriate. Slightly improved the stats positive detection log display when viewed on smaller screened devices by reducing the columns shown for less relevent information such as answering nodes.
31st of Jul ’20
Improved the display of long addresses in the positive detection log (should only apply to very long IPv6 addresses).
24th of Jul ’20
It is no longer possible to recover an account that is secured by a two-factor authenticator in an automated way, customer support must be involved. When logging in to the dashboard using a new IP Address you will now receive an email from us detailing the login so you can take appropriate action if the login was not performed by you.
23rd of Jul ’20
Updated the CORS javascript example code snippets to include the use of universal transport support instead of hardcoded transport security indicators (https).
29th of Jun ’20
The dashboard now remembers which tab you had opened the last time you used it and will show you that same tab by default when loaded. Corrected an issue with the positive download log where the exports (csv, html, txt) would open in a new browser tab instead of downloading to your computer as a file.
20th of Jun ’20
Added the ability to unlock free custom rules by securing your account with a password and Two-Factor Authentication. Added a new condition type to the custom rules feature called CORS which lets you detect if a query was a client or server based request. When making an untagged client-based (CORS) request to the API the URL of the visited page will now be included as the tag automatically.
16th of Jun ’20
The Download button beneath the positive detection log has been changed, when clicked it now presents you with several download options for various formats and time frames.
26th of May ’20
Corrected an issue where accounts would have their daily query usage reset one hour later than shown in the Dashboard.
23rd of May ’20
Corrected an issue where your queries today and total may show in a hard to see grey font within the Dashboard.
16th of May ’20
Updated the Custom Rules feature to support two new location API responses for Region and Region Codes. These appear when supplying &asn=1 with your queries to our v2 API. Updated our icons and JavaScript Libraries to be served solely from our own infrastructure instead of from third party CDN's for reliability, privacy and performance reasons.
23rd of Apr ’20
Adjusted the alert that appears when you have made recent queries to our v1 API. This API endpoint is now EOL (End of Life) and no longer being supported.
19th of Mar ’20
Corrected an issue where password managers may place your API Key or Email Address into the registration field while attempting to login to the dashboard.
24th of Feb ’20
Improved origin name validation for the CORS feature.
14th of Feb ’20
Added support for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing to the API and Dashboard. You can now enter in web addresses to query the API directly by visitors to your website.
8th of Feb ’20
Improved the accuracy of incurred queries for accounts with extremely high request rates to our API.
1st of Feb ’20
Pricing of starter plans increased. $1.99 is now $2.99 and $3.49 is now $3.99. No other pricing changes were made. These pricing changes only apply to newly started subscriptions.
3rd of Jan ’20
Added support for continent data to our custom rules feature as it has been added to our API response as an extra location field.
22nd of Dec ’19
Corrected an issue where adding a new payment card to your account would still cause your previous card to be billed for any payment that already had an invoice created.
13th of Dec ’19
Corrected an issue where using tag data from the API in a custom rule could cause a condition match failure due to urlencoding. Altered the labels and instructions for rule conditions to make them easier to understand. Condition Targets are now called API Provided Values. Condition Type is now called Comparison Types and Condition Values are now called Your Values.
27th of Nov ’19
Added support for Google Pay in addition to Apple Pay.
7th of Nov ’19
Added support for condition groups to the custom rules feature enabling OR conditions to be used in the construction of rules. Updated the look of conditions within Custom Rules to use a pink background for required conditions and a blue background for condition groups containing optional conditions.
24th of Sep ’19
Added support for removing API outputs to the custom rules feature output section allowing you to remove API responses based on your conditions.
20th of Sep ’19
Added support for custom rule plans to the dashboard allowing the quantity of rules an account has to be increased seperately to the query allowance of the account holder.
18th of Sep ’19
Altered the appearance of the Account Information table which houses your API Key, Plan Tier and so forth. Moved the copy API Key button to the table key for a cleaner look.
7th of Sep ’19
Added back support for customers to update their card details for a currently active subscription. This feature went away briefly as we transitioned to stripes new Checkout feature which is SCA (Secure Customer Authentication) ready.
5th of Sep ’19
Made the queries today display be more immediate by having it use our own usage API endpoint so it will stay in-line with the other daily stats shown in the dashboard.
26th of Aug ’19
Added a new tags dashboard API which allows you to view your most active tags and the addresses and detection types associated with those tags. Added a new JSON EXPORT button for the new tags dashboard api endpoint. Improved some of the icons and buttons around the dashboard, added icons to buttons that didn't have icons before.
24th of Aug ’19
Added expandable sections to the Most Active Tags feature which lets you view the IP's associated with that tag and also to copy the addresses to your clipboard.
23rd of Aug ’19
Added a manual data refresh button to the top of the dashboards stats tab. Updated some of the dashboard iconography. Changed the button layout on the stats tab to use grouped buttons for a cleaner look.
22nd of Aug ’19
Improved the backend statistics syncing system to fix some issues with high-volume customers. Should now see new queries you make show in the dashboard in under 90 seconds.
19th of Aug ’19
Improved the most active tag feature to now allow you to search within the past day, week or month. Improved the table keys to only show types that are present in the data for a cleaner look.
18th of Aug ’19
Added support for importing and exporting all of your custom rules as JSON files for easy local backup and editing. Added most active tags over the past month to the stats tab with a breakdown of the positive detection types.
17th of Aug ’19
Added support for showing Custom Rule entries within the Positive Detection log as their own entries seperate from Proxy/VPN entries. Also added support for filtering Custom Rule results.
14th of Aug ’19
Fixed a bug where having multiple rules could cause duplicate conditions or rule outputs from higher rules to be saved in lower rules when using the Save All button (Individual rule saving was not affected).
6th of Aug ’19
Added support for variables in rule output modifier values such as %IP%, %TAG%, %COUNTRY% and more. View the updated documentation here for full information. Fixed various minor custom rule bugs. Made the API Key change system more robust to correct issues caused by conflicting key statistics.
4th of Aug ’19
Added Custom Tag Value as a new output modifier for the rules feature enabling you to override or otherwise provide a tag for a rule. Corrected an issue with the rules feature where some output modifiers would trigger an early response from the API before all the output modifiers you had applied to a single rule were processed. Added a new status warning message when you try to add multiple IP exact match conditions within a single rule. Condition rows must all be satisfied for a rule to be enacted, placing multiple rows with different IP's for exact matches will thus make the rule invalid.
2nd of Aug ’19
Rebuilt our payment system to use Stripes new and even more secure Checkout v3 which is ready for SCA payments. Updated most Dashboard icons to a new dual-tone style. Added support for Apple Pay when starting a new subscription. (Google & Microsoft Pay, iDEAL, Sepa Debit and more payment types coming soon!).
31st of Jul ’19
Corrected the slide-out behaviour of some UI elements that were incorrectly sliding into view when they were supposed to pop-in instead.
30th of Jul ’19
Added a link under the Custom Rules tab to our new documentation page for the Custom Rules feature.
27th of Jul ’19
Added three new condition types for the Custom Rules feature: Latitude, Longitude and Port Number. Set the custom rules status bar to not appear when erasing a rule that wasn't saved to begin with. Altered the positive detection log filter settings to smoothly slide out when accessed instead of just instantly appearing in a jarring fashion.
22nd of Jul ’19
Updated the Paid Options tab to clearly show how many custom rules you can enable with each plan size.
17th of Jul ’19
Rewrote the change log display (that you're currently reading!) which appears on every page of our website to only show 15 changes at a time with the ability to load 15 more changes with a button.
3rd of Jul ’19
Corrected an issue where some IP ranges present in white or blacklists could cause a database corruption which would result in constant blacklist/whitelisted results for all IPv6 address checks.
2nd of Jul ’19
Added risk scores to the expanded details view of entries listed in your Positive Detection Log.
19th of Jun ’19
Added a new email alert condition, when your paid plan is ending tomorrow you will now receive an email notification. This is tied to the "Important emails related only to my account" email preference toggle within the dashboard.
28th of May ’19
Added a new payment option to the Paid Plans tab: PayPal. We now support 6 and 12 month plan terms for customers who wish to use PayPal.
7th of May ’19
Refactored lots of the backend code, refined the status alert UI that appears when altering settings, improved the email change code to now utilise our status alert UI.
3rd of May ’19
Enabled support for logging into the dashboard using your accounts email address. Added new text explaining that adding an account password enables login by email address. Altered the styling of some paragraphs on the settings tab.
2nd of May ’19
Further corrected an issue where changing your API Key could result in a loss of past query statistics.
29th of Apr ’19
Corrected an issue where changing your API Key could result in a loss of positive detections and query statistics.
16th of Mar ’19
Corrected an issue where users with the 1Password X browser plugin would be asked to upload an image when automatically filling out their login credentials.
12th of Mar ’19
Improved the performance of the stats positive detection log, especially for users with a very large positive detection rate.
23rd of Feb ’19
Added pagination to the positive detection JSON output, this was a requested feature by a customer.
19th of Feb ’19
Added a reveal animation to the Two-Factor settings toggle. Updated the positive detection log within the stats tab to make each entry expand when clicked to give detailed information about the IP including attack history.
8th of Feb ’19
Altered the subscription system to also ask for Billing Name and Address to increase the chances of successful charges. This has been done due to banks automatic fraud prevention blocking charges that don't include name and address information.
30th of Jan ’19
Corrected an issue where the upper and lower boundaries of an IP range as specified in the Whitelist/Blacklist boxes were not being detected by the API.
21st of Dec ’18
Fixed an issue where the first time you load the dashboard after making your first payment it would fail to load. Fixed a related issue where refreshing the dashboard after making a payment could cause duplicate charges to be issued.
7th of Dec ’18
Improved the "Next Payment" display so that it always shows the true amount being billed instead of just the current plan size you're currently subscribed to.
This corrects an issue where users changed their plan mid subscription causing the amount billed to differ from our set plan prices due to our use of prorated pricing for plan alterations.
3rd of Dec ’18
Increased positive detection log storage from 32MB to 128MB. Made the message that appears more clear for users that surpass the 128MB storage quota.
27th of Nov ’18
Updated the Dashboard Whitelist/Blacklist API to better support adding and removing multiple entries at once.
23rd of Nov ’18
Country map updated to support numbers for the value legend instead of generic terms.
18th of Nov ’18
Corrected an issue where the last 2-3 minutes of queries from yesterday would show in todays stats due to a processing delay. They are now correctly stored in yesterdays stats.
15th of Nov ’18
Corrected a bug that caused the positive detection map to not load for newer accounts.
13th of Nov ’18
Corrected a bug that caused daily query allowances to not reset at their usual time.
8th of Nov ’18
The time stamps next to entries in the positive detection log now update in real-time using client side javascript.
4th of Nov ’18
Made the dashboard reload faster for paid customers by adding short-term (5 minute) caching to the retrieval of customer data from Stripe. Corrected an issue where existing customers signed up to a monthly plan would receive an upcoming payment notice for an upcoming payment when they had chosen to not receive those notices.
2nd of Nov ’18
Added a new email setting to the dashboard called "Upcoming payment notices" which when enabled will send you an email several days before we charge you for a currently active subscription.
1st of Nov ’18
Corrected an issue where you couldn't filter the positive detection log by tag when searching for special characters such as : and / among others.
29th of Oct ’18
Partially rewrote the stats processor, average time to display positive detections and incurred queries now down to 1 Minute and 30 seconds. Previous average was 4 minutes.
28th of Oct ’18
Added invoice history to the Paid Options tab - Shows all invoices for your current subscription or most recently held subscription and will show all future invoices too. Includes PDF downloading of invoices aswell.
26th of Oct ’18
Query statistics that show a percentage now round to two decimal places for more accuracy. Daily usage chart now shows percentages when hovering over different days. Notice added to the positive detection log if you've exhausted your positive detection log storage quota for the current month. Positive detection log storage quota has been raised from 10MB to 32MB per month.
22nd of Oct ’18
Improved the query usage stats graph to make it more readable, fixed a browser console warning message due to id reuse by unused entity id's.
4th of Oct ’18
Added a new filter button to the positive detection log under the stats tab. Enables filtering and searching of log results.
27th of Sep ’18
Changed the position of the "previous" and "next" buttons for navigating logs and stats based on user feedback.
26th of Sep ’18
Corrected an issue where if you attempted to cancel a subscription while having an overdue invoice you would still receive billing attempts.
23rd of Sep ’18
Updated the positive detection log with a new look, country flags and detection type indicators. Removed redundant numbering from the far left of the listings.
24th of Aug ’18
Added links to our threat page for individual addresses within your positive detection log.
21st of Aug ’18
The paid plans tab has been redesigned to match the new style of our prices page. All of our plans and their prices are still the same as before.
15th of Aug ’18
All the icons across the site have been updated to Font Awesome 5 Pro's thin icon font. The email change form was also changed and some of the other settings buttons were extended in length to fill the space available.
11th of Aug ’18
Icons were added to most buttons The descriptions of our email notification types were shortened. The navigation bar text is now uppercase and uses the same font as our normal buttons. The text you receive by email when changing your email address has been improved. The account recovery page has had its text improved. When performing an account recovery we now include the IP Address of the requester within the recovery email.
10th of Aug ’18
Fixed a bug that could stop the White and Blacklists from detecting IPv6 addresses correctly that have collapsed portions within their hextets. Fixed a different bug that stopped the White and Blacklists from lifting IPv6 CIDR ranges from their input fields. Altered the White and Blacklist example text to include IPv6 Address and Range examples.
9th of Aug ’18
Fixed a bug where some error messages would be suppressed when logging into the Dashboard for the first time.
5th of Aug ’18
Fixed a bug where deactivating the external dashboard API would make the whitelist/blacklist counter return an error message.
20th of Jul ’18
Fixed a bug where the default text descriptions next to the "API Settings" toggles were always set to "Enabled".
12th of Jun ’18
Improved Recent Detection and Country map load times (both under the stats tab and by API call) for users with very large positive detection logs.
9th of Jun ’18
Altered the "last update" feature you're currently viewing to be scrollable so that it can display more updates.
7th of Jun ’18
Fixed a Whitelist/Blacklist dashboard API issue that could cause database consistency issues when performing rapid changes.
5th of Jun ’18
Added an action result indicator to the bottom of your browser window for common dashboard tasks.
4th of Jun ’18
Added toggle options for deactivating the API and disabling external dashboard access by your API Key.
2nd of Jun ’18
Added a copy api key to clipboard button next to your API Key at the top of the dashboard.
28th of May ’18
Added a new email preference to receive near-instant notices when going over your query allowances. Altered the detailed hover explanations for each email preference. Corrected an issue that caused a few users to receive overage notices after going over their query allowance for 4 days in a row instead of 5.
27th of May ’18
Added a blue question mark next to "Queries Today" which when highlited shows how long until the next day begins. Corrected a bug that could cause some users recent detection log and JSON exporting features to stop working.
20th of May ’18
Fixed a bug where some users recent detection log and country display would fail to load, fixed the same bug in the JSON export API. Added "blacklist" as a positive detection type in the recent detection log.
5th of May ’18
The whitelist and blacklist features now display how many unique items were lifted from their input fields with auto-refreshing displays when pressing the save buttons.
18th of Apr ’18
When receiving an account alteration alert email we now include the requesting IP Address that made the alteration for added security.
6th of Apr ’18
Optional Two-Factor Authentication has been added to the dashboard.
5th of Apr ’18
Drastically improved the speed of country lookups for the recent detection log and JSON exporting.
2nd of Apr ’18
Improved recent detection log, all entries now appear in correct chronological order.
26th of Mar ’18
Added a new positive detection map to the stats tab
22nd of Mar ’18
The Recent Detections view on the Stats menu now shows the country of positive detections. The JSON Exporter also now exposes country information.
21st of Mar ’18
Added the ability for subscribers to update their billing information on the paid options tab.
18th of Mar ’18
Added a notice to the dashboard if you're still using the v1 API for recent queries.
15th of Mar ’18
New fraud prevention system introduced to paid plans tab.
1st of Jan ’18
A new graph to visualise your queries was added to the stats tab.
18th of Dec ’17
The login page has been remade with a new registration split view.
25th of Nov ’17
The support tab has been rewritten with clear support buttons and live availability indicators.
21st of Nov ’17
The Dashboard has been made more responsive on initial loading and we've altered the way stat downloads are triggered so they don't produce a new tab in your browser.
12th of Nov ’17
The Blacklist and Whitelist features now support ASN numbers alongside IP Addresses and IP Ranges.
11th of Oct ’17
Below is the changelog for our GDPR compliance page. Which is where customers can read how we handle their data in compliance with the european general data protection regulation.
New Features
Fixes & Corrections
The section titled "Can I delete my account and all the data you hold about me?" was renamed and updated to emphasise how you can delete your account and your data from within the dashboard. We also added a section about how long your data will stay within our off-site backups. The section regarding how we obtain prior written authorisation from data controllers before we use sub-processors was re-written to clarify we do not and have never used any sub-processors and that any IP or email address you send to us is never sent to any third-parties. The section titled "What personal information do you store about me?" was updated to include a new section about Hostinger which is our email inbox provider. We also updated the styling to break each section up with square borders for easier readability.
8th of Sep ’24
A new section titled "When I perform an API call, how is that data stored, for how long and who has access to it?" was added which specifically details what data we save, where we save it, who has access to it and for how long we save data. The section titled "What personal information do you store about me?" was updated to remove references to Whitelists and Blacklists and replace them with references to Custom Lists which replaced the function of specific White and Blacklists in our service. The section titled "What personal information do you store about me?" was updated to add references to CORS domains which users can supply within the customer dashboard to activate client-side querying.
7th of Sep ’24
The section titled "What kind of information audits have you conducted?" was updated to clarify how positive and negative addresses are stored and logged once checked with our service.
3rd of Dec ’21
The section regarding how to erase the data we have held about you has been altered because you can now erase the data yourself from within the dashboard as opposed to needing to contact our support to do this.
7th of Oct ’21
All references to Mailgun in the document were removed and replaced with Amazon as we have switched from using Mailgun to Amazon AWS for all email sending.
19th of Jul ’20
Updated the document to explain that we now ask for billing information (Name & Address) of new paid customers. This information is stored exclusively on Stripe servers and not our own.
This change was done to increase the chances of a successful payment as banking anti-fraud systems prefer to have more information presented during checkout. We added data access guides with easy to understand coloured padlocks so you can better understand what information we have access to and where it's stored.
30th of Jan ’20
A new section was added explaining how we apply our GDPR compliance worldwide and we also cleaned up some wording within the document that doesn't change any meaning of the text but makes it easier to understand.
24th of Apr ’18
First draft of our GDPR Compliance document.
16th of Feb ’18
Below is the changelog for the plugins page. Which is where we list premade plugins by the community for quick integrations of our API.
New Features
Fixes & Corrections
Added a new FiveM tab which contains a proxycheck add-on for FiveM written by MeowKatinas from the VelocityLayer FiveM server.
21st of Dec ’24
Added a new Browser tab which contains a proxycheck add-on for Firefox written by Roxana Schram.
26th of Nov ’24
Added a new CLI tab which contains an application called proxycheck-cli written by Roxana Schram.
23rd of Nov ’24
Added a new free Minecraft plugin called ChronAntiVPN developed by PiszarEmanuel. Altered the Minecraft Plugin section to show the plugins in a random order each time the page is loaded.
2nd of Sep ’24
Added a new free Minecraft plugin called BotShield developed by Filip.
13th of Jun ’24
Added a new WHMCS tab which includes a new premium plugin written by HosterOcean for the WHMCS platform.
4th of May ’24
Fixed the page layout so elements don't stack on top of each other on smaller sized displays.
20th of Apr ’24
Altered the layout of the Wordpress tab, reduced the plugins from two to one. Added a label to the Wordpress tab to let people know they can get a 20% discount on plans purchased through a third party vendor. Removed the v2 API support labels as all plugins present have been v2 API compatible for some time. Also changed the color of the Free and Premium labels from blue and orange to green and blue.
19th of Apr ’24
Added two new plugins to the Minecraft tab called AdvancedAntiVPN & Ultimate Antibot. Removed NoProxy, Anti-Proxy, AntiBotDeluxe, Anti-VPN & MBanProxyVPN from our Minecraft tab due to all of these plugins being abandoned by their developers.
18th of Oct ’22
Added a new premium plugin to the Wordpress tab from the makers of Proxy & VPN Blocker.
21st of Feb ’22
Updated the description of features available for Proxy Snort, it has now gained support for local whitelisting and caching to save queries.
3rd of Dec ’21
The page theme was updated to our new Glass theme for both light and dark modes.
10th of Nov ’21
Added a new Minecraft plugin called VPNCheck written by Great Array.
8th of May ’21
Added a new Source Engine AMX Mod compatible script called Proxy Snort written by SPiNX.
18th of Jan ’21
Updated Proxy & VPN Blocker Icon and Screenshot as this WordPress plugin has been radically updated by the developer.
3rd of May ’20
Added a new plugin for Minecraft called XProtect, it's a premium plugin developed by LagBug.
25th of Apr ’20
Added a new plugin for Minecraft called MBanProxyVPN, it's a premium plugin developed by Manercraft.
6th of Aug ’19
Removed download buttons next to plugins that don't support direct downloads, these will instead show visit website buttons only.
11th of Apr ’19
Added a new SourceMod plugin section with our first plugin for SourceMod developed by Sikari.
15th of Jan ’19
Added a new Minecraft plugin called Anti-VPN by egg82 to the Minecraft tab.
30th of Aug ’18
Updated the style of the plugin pages and removed two defunct Minecraft Plugins which hadn't been updated in a year.
29th of Jul ’18
Updated the description of the Minecraft plugin Anti-Proxy by DefianceCoding to include the fact it now uses the v2 API. Added clear v1/v2 badges to all the displayed plugins.
28th of Jul ’18
Added a new Minecraft plugin called NoProxy to the Minecraft tab.
17th of Jun ’18
WordPress plugin information updated, now supports total-site protection, day restrictor, better stats and more.
17th of Apr ’18
Page created with a WordPress plugin now available alongside the prior Minecraft plugins.
27th of Dec ’17
Below is the changelog for our pricing page. Which details the prices of our different plans and the features available to customers at each plan level.
New Features
Fixes & Corrections
Per-second request limits were adjusted in the FAQ section as we added an extra North American node which lifts the total amount of queries possible by 200 per-second per-account.
1st of Feb ’25
Altered the support options to remove live chat due to support volumes being too high, email is now the preferred support method.
24th of Aug ’23
Altered the PayPal and Cryptocoin payment info to show that we now support lower than 12 month terms when purchasing Pro, Business or Enterprise plans.
5th of Jan ’23
The section regarding crypto coin payments was updated to reflect that we now as of this date accept crypto coin as payment for service in a variety of popular coins.
12th of Sep ’22
Added the quantity of custom lists available under each plan type, this is a new feature introduced today.
25th of May ’22
A new FAQ question was added regarding what happens to the price of your subscription if we increase plan prices. The prices for our second and third business plans were increased and the prices on all enterprise plans were increased. (These price changes only apply to newly started plans or when changing plans, currently held plans will not see price increases)
25th of Jan ’22
The FAQ section was updated to add a specific section regarding plan alterations and some questions were moved around based on priority.
24th of Jan ’22
The FAQ section was updated to alter references to plan alterations. You can now alter your plan yourself within the dashboard, it no longer requires a support ticket.
19th of Jan ’22
Added a detailed section to the FAQ explaining our refund policy.
19th of Nov ’21
The page theme was updated to our new Glass theme for both light and dark modes. The feature square 'Exportable Logs' was changed to 'Exportable Data' and expanded upon to list the various account information you can export beyond just logs.
10th of Nov ’21
Altered the discount percentage shown from 8.44% to 8.33% when purchasing a yearly plan - The previous amount was an error and it was always an 8.33% discount when purchasing a year up front.
11th of Oct ’21
Descriptions of the support level offered were altered to make it clear free accounts only receive email based support while paid accounts receive live chat support in addition to email based support.
8th of Oct ’21
Subtle dropshadows were added to low-contrast white text on the page to make things easier to read.
26th of Sep ’21
The wording surrounding PayPal payments was updated to remove references to 6 month plan times. We now only allow for 12 months of time to be purchased via PayPal one-time payments.
13th of Sep ’21
The volume of custom rules were increased for all paid plans. Starter plans now start with 9 rules instead of 6 and increment in 3. Pro increment by 5, Business increment by 10 and Enterprise increment by 15.
5th of May ’21
The service feature squares were updated to replace the TLS Security feature square with a Burst Tokens square.
20th of Jan ’21
Some wording within the FAQ section was improved without changing the meaning of the answers.
16th of Jan ’21
Updated the page to add references to the new burst token feature including in subscription panes and the FAQ section.
17th of Nov ’20
Updated the subscription panes to include icons at the top for a nicer appearance.
15th of Nov ’20
Updated the cluster per-second request limits within the FAQ section as we've added a new cluster node that increased the overall limit by 20%.
3rd of Nov ’20
The service features section was updated to include a new feature, Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. This feature enables easy client-side implementations of the API for those who can't use a server-side implementation.
8th of Feb ’20
The FAQ was updated to increase the per-second request limit numbers as we have increased cluster capacity by 25% today.
1st of Feb ’20
Pricing of starter plans increased. $1.99 is now $2.99 and $3.49 is now $3.99. No other pricing changes were made.
3rd of Jan ’20
Updated the feature icons to a new dual-tone style. Expanded the payment options section of the FAQ to detail that we now accept Apple Pay.
31st of Jul ’19
Updated the plan information to show how many custom rules from within the customer dashboard each plan can enable. Updated the service feature boxes to include the new Custom Rules feature.
18th of Jul ’19
The service feature section was updated to highlite our detailed threat reports which include address attack history.
7th of Jun ’19
Altered the FAQ to include information about performing a manual PayPal payment for 6 or 12 month time periods.
7th of May ’19
The FAQ was updated to include detailed information on our API request limits. We now have a soft per-second request limit of 100 and a hard limit of 125.
19th of Apr ’19
Added a new question and answer to the FAQ section regarding if a seperate plan needs to be purchased for each website being protected by our service.
9th of Mar ’19
New pricing was introduced, two Starter and Pro Plans were reduced in price while two Business Plans were increased in price. These changes apply to new subscriptions only, not currently held subscriptions.
The discount for purchasing yearly was reduced from 20% to 8.44% and also only applies to new subscriptions.
31st of Jan ’19
Below is the changelog for our privacy policy. Which is where customers can read through our privacy policy to read how we handle and secure their data.
New Features
Fixes & Corrections
Removed references to our warrant canary as we feel it has outlived its usefulness, to date no requests for information on our customers or their data has occurred.
1st of Jan ’25
Removed references to and the cookie that would be set on our contact us page due to our removal of the service from our website.
24th of Aug ’23
Some reformatting was performed to remove erroneous text and make the paragraphs easier to read quickly without altering the meaning.
20th of Nov ’22
A new section was added to detail all the ways you can delete your account and all associated data including automated removals conducted by us for unused, inactive or disabled accounts. The section describing our use of cookies and what they do was completely overhauled into a neat table with better descriptions.
18th of Nov ’22
A new cookie was added which details how we now track conversions for our Google Ads. If you did not come to our website via a Google Ad then no third-party conversion tracking will be performed and the Google conversion tracking Javascript will not even be served to you. A new cookie was added which details how we now track conversions for our Microsoft Ads. If you did not come to our website via a Microsoft Ad then no third-party conversion tracking will be performed and the Microsoft conversion tracking Javascript will not even be served to you. A new advertising cookie section was added giving more detail to how we track advertising conversions.
27th of Feb ’22
A new section regarding what happens to the emails you send us to check when utilising our disposable email feature was added.
15th of Feb ’22
The section regarding our cookie use was changed as we now only serve the chat software through our contact page. Thus you will not have this cookie set when you access any of our pages except the contact us page.
6th of Dec ’21
The section regarding how long your data is stored and how to erase it has been altered because you can now erase the data yourself from within the dashboard as opposed to needing to contact our support to do this.
7th of Oct ’21
The section regarding our cookie use was reworded, specifically the Matomo section to further clarify that we don't acquire or share our analytical data with any third parties, this has always been the case but it wasn't specifically detailed on the page until now.
18th of Apr ’21
The section regarding what data we store about you when you stop using the service was updated to clarify that we don't hold your positive detections forever and they are in-fact deleted after 12 months.
13th of Mar ’21
A new entry within the Cookie section was added for Stripe (our payment processor) which may place a cookie in your browser to help us reduce payment fraud.
15th of Jan ’21
A reference to Mailgun in the document was changed to Amazon as we have switched email carriers from Mailgun to Amazon.
19th of Jul ’20
The section about what information we store when you use our service was updated to state we now ask for your name and address when making a paid purchase but this information is stored exclusively with Stripe our payment processor.
4th of Apr ’19
The list of email toggles in the first privacy section was updated to replace the "promotional emails" toggle with the "Upcoming payment notice" toggle. We never sent any promotional emails so we have sunsetted that setting.
1st of Nov ’18
The privacy policy was updated to include instructions on how to have us delete all held information about you. The "Who do you share my data with?" section was updated to include information about our relationships with Mailgun and Stripe. Reworded the very top paragraph about email spam to be more clear. Altered the name of our self-hosted analytic service from Piwik to Matomo as the project has changed names.
29th of Oct ’18
Wording on the top entry "What spam should I expect from you" was updated to say we now offer five email preferences within the dashboard instead of four.
7th of Jun ’18
Added a new section regarding our use of browser cookies.
24th of Apr ’18
Added a link to our GDPR Compliance page under "What information do you collect and store"
17th of Feb ’18
The second point was expanded as we now do store registered users querying IP Addressees for 24 hours since their most recent query.
14th of Oct ’17
A new section was added explaining the kinds of emails you can expect from us.
5th of Sep ’17
Since we added a machine learning system to the service we now hold negative detections for 5 minutes so that our algorithm can examine the addresses to discover more proxies. The privacy policy was updated to reflect this change.
17th of Jul ’17
A new feature to the dashboard was introduced that allows you to view and download all the positive detections made by your API Key. The privacy policy was thus updated to make it clear we now do store the IP's you query (but only positive detections, negative ones are still discarded.)
24th of Jun ’17
Below is the changelog for our status page. Which details the current availability of our various services including frontend and backend systems.
New Features
Fixes & Corrections
Altered the status pills to show a different shade of green if any events occured, making it easier to notice events at a glance.
30th of Oct ’24
The entire status page was completely redesigned with events and hourly history reports of each service and server node.
1st of Oct ’24
The page theme was updated to our new Glass theme for both light and dark modes.
10th of Nov ’21
Split up the cluster nodes into regions due to us enabling our first North American node.
23rd of Dec ’20
Improved usage of the page on smaller screen devices and especially on touch screen devices by disabling some hover page mechanics. Updated the Application Programming Interface backend status check to utilise more of our v2 API features for increased status precision.
31st of Jul ’20
Broke out the Statistics status information into Receiver and Processor entries due to them being physically seperate. The processor is sometimes taken offline for maintenance while the receiver is never wilfully taken offline.
4th of May ’19
Altered the table design to use the same apperance as our threats and dashboard stats pages.
5th of Dec ’18
Improved Cluster Node statuses with more detailed information.
28th of Sep ’18
A completely brand new status page was created with per service status indicators.
1st of Nov ’17
Below is the changelog for our terms of service page. Which is where customers can read through our terms that they agree to when they make use of our service.
New Features
Fixes & Corrections
A new section detailing that customers must keep their email address up to date was added.
17th of Aug ’20
The terms of service page was completely rewritten. All the previous terms remain but were expanded on with improved descriptions.
16th of Jun ’20
Below is the changelog for the threats page. Which is where customers can view emerging threats around the world and also lookup specific address information.
New Features
Fixes & Corrections
Added device estimates for both addresses and subnets to the specific IP display pages.
19th of Nov ’24
Added support for defanged IP addresses when inputting a specific IP into the input field at the top of the page.
12th of Nov ’24
Corrected an issue where some operator cards would not appear when an IP had multiple data sources.
5th of Aug ’24
Removed references to Maxminds GeoIP database on our threat pages as we no longer use their data for country lookups.
10th of Apr ’24
Added support for paging through IPv6 addresses in addition to IPv4 ones. Altered the hostname lookup on the threat pages to use our internal API resolver.
29th of Feb ’24
Added CIDR ranges and Postcodes for data presented on threat pages about specific IP addresses.
24th of Jan ’24
Corrected an issue where viewing a specific addresses threat page while being logged into an account could erroneously show the view unmodified result button even if the result hasn't been modified.
28th of Apr ’23
When pasting in an IP address to the lookup field it will now remove any erroneous spaces, adding compatibility with third party services.
10th of Apr ’23
Corrected the map loading blank on specific address pages due to a change in business model of Mapbox, our previous map provider.
24th of Mar ’23
Corrected a display issue where the site navigation dropdown when viewing on a small display would load beneath the map on threat pages.
19th of Mar ’23
Added support for displaying the Time Zone of the IP address being checked.
31st of Aug ’22
Added support for displaying the Organisation name of the IP address being checked.
15th of Jul ’22
Added a display toggle to the top of specific threat pages when the result shown has been modified by settings within your dashboard. This toggle allows you to view the original unmodified result.
7th of Jan ’22
Added rich operator cards detailing which VPN companies are operating an address with specific information about the operator.
2nd of Dec ’21
The page theme was updated to our new Glass theme for both light and dark modes.
10th of Nov ’21
Added automatic data refreshing to the threat homepage allowing for the page to be left open to monitor emerging threats.
25th of Feb ’21
Improved the display of addresses lacking country or network information. Added support for Open Graph Meta Tags to specific address threat pages which provides rich previews for Facebook, Twitter, Discord and other services when they link to an addresses threat page.
24th of Feb ’21
Altered the hosting provider detection to make it more clear that the address could be a potential VPN. Changed the risk score that shows when a hosting provider without any attacks is detected to be the same as the API reported value.
15th of Feb ’21
Updated the mapbox available on specific IP pages to the latest version.
20th of Jan ’21
Added a last seen metric to the threat homepage for each address listed.
20th of Jun ’20
Corrected an issue where Region names may appear malformed due to a lack of proper decoding support.
3rd of Jun ’20
Added support for region info to the specific address page view.
23rd of Apr ’20
Added support for continent info to the specific address page view.
22nd of Dec ’19
Corrected a visual bug where older attacks shown in the attack history log with only a single attempt could have their attempt counts replaced with a newer attacks attempt count instead.
8th of Jun ’19
Added our new risk score percentage to the IP Address display on the specific IP address detail pages. Added back and forward buttons to quickly navigate between different addresses without having to type them.
24th of Mar ’19
Removed the beta notice from the attack history feature as it has reached a reliable state.
7th of Mar ’19
Updated the threats display to use the same alternating background colours as the rest of our site tables.
3rd of Feb ’19
Updated the threats page to display attack history of IP Addresses. This feature is currently in beta and only a subset of attack data is currently displayed.
2nd of Feb ’19
Improved the load time of the threats homepage.
23rd of Jan ’19
Launched a new threats home page which includes recent and emerging attacks we've detected.
25th of Nov ’18
Added support for City, Langitude and Longitude to the data shown.
24th of Nov ’18
Implemented a workaround for Mozilla (and possibly Chrome and Safari) page pre-fetching which could incur queries for users browsing their positive detection log within the dashboard which links to the threats page.
13th of Nov ’18
Fixed an issue where the country row would load empty if locating the origin of an IP Address failed.
9th of Nov ’18
Initial version of our new threats page with detailed IP information and searching.
21st of Aug ’18
Below is the changelog for the web interface. Which is where customers can perform batched queries against our API through our website in an easy to use interface.
New Features
Fixes & Corrections
Added full support for checking the disposability of email addresses in addition to IP addresses. Corrected some theme issues related to horizontal sizing and dark mode.
19th of Feb ’22
The page theme was updated to our new Glass theme for both light and dark modes.
10th of Nov ’21
Added support for dark mode.
6th of Aug ’21
Added links to our threat page for each IP result shown in the web interface.
6th of Sep ’18
Fixed a bug that could stop the Web Interface from detecting IPv6 addresses correctly that have collapsed portions within their hextets.
9th of Aug ’18
Fixed an issue where some error messages were suppressed behind an "Invalid IP Address" message.
7th of Aug ’18
Added a new "Copy Results" button and increased the volume of IP's that can be checked at one time from 1,000 to 10,000.
6th of Aug ’18
Refreshed the Web Interface page with toggles instead of checkboxes, altered the input layout. Added two new query options for proxy type and last seen dates.
30th of May ’18
Fixed an issue that caused addresses to lose newlines when being copy and pasted from the page.
16th of Mar ’18
Added a new checkbox to enable port numbers to be shown for positive proxy results.
15th of Mar ’18
Added ASN support to the web interface.
24th of Feb ’18
Added a new input field for tagging your queries made through the web interface.
7th of Feb ’18
Further enhanced the result appearance by adding multiple columns.
6th of Feb ’18
Redesigned the result appearance so it's easier to view very large query results.
5th of Feb ’18
The backend of the Web Interface was rewritten to use the new v2 API, the result is dramatically faster multi-ip checking.
1st of Jan ’18
A bug was fixed where some types of proxy detections wouldn't be displayed in the proxy result column although they would be removed from the undetected column.
28th of Nov ’17
IP Input box updated to support the detection of IP's (IPv4 and IPv6) within a larger body of text negating the need for users to filter anything themselves before submitting.