changelog /

At the bottom right of our web pages you'll find a pop-out change log which lets you view the specific changes for the page you're viewing. On this page we index all of those seperate changelogs into one central location making it easier to view and track changes from across the entire site.

Below is the changelog for our API documentation. Which is where customers can view the specifications of the API and learn how to implement it within their own software stack.

New Features


Fixes & Corrections

Added a new Java/Kotlin library by SquareCodeFX to the libraries section.

23rd of Mar ’25
The per-second request limits for North America were raised from 600 to 800 due to a new server node being added which increased overall capacity.

1st of Feb ’25
Altered the positive detection logs JSON output to support filtering with a new URL variable called filter, the documentation was updated to reflect this change.

5th of Jan ’25
Altered the WordPress library information as it now supports our Dashboard API's and also added a link to Packagist for the library.

11th of Dec ’24
Added links to a WordPress library and example plugin written by ArrayPress.

9th of Dec ’24
Added links to a CLI app for written in both Python and Go by Roxana Schram to the libraries section.

23rd of Nov ’24
Added support for device estimates to the test console for both singular addresses and subnets. Added a new python command line application written for by Roxanna Schram to the code libraries section.

19th of Nov ’24
Altered the Risk Score section to adjust the recommended actions table and to add a new table showing baseline risk scores for different IP determination types.

24th of Sep ’24
Altered the first paragraph in the Service Limits section to make it clear that sending us an IP or an Email address to be checked uses up just one query.

7th of Sep ’24
Enhanced the API test console by providing the URL that your toggled flags corrospond to for easy url building. Made the test console react instantly to selections and toggles instead of needing to click on a submit button.

3rd of Sep ’24
Added a new action flag to the Custom List Dashboard API called forcedl which allows you to forcibly schedule a Custom List that is set to automatically download content from your provided URL to do so within the next 60 seconds.

4th of Aug ’24
Added references to address ranges and hostnames which have been added to the API result recently. Altered the test console to support outputting address ranges and hostnames.

22nd of Mar ’24
Altered the text that appears beneath the test console to better explain that the address results shown are not live and may differ from live API results.

8th of Jan ’24
Added a new flag: p to the documentation, which allows you to deactivate the pretty-print output of the API (aka the results appear as a single line) which is more appropriate for efficient bandwidth use when only machines will be reading the API output.

25th of Sep ’23
The node.js library on this page was changed to a new one utilising typescript written by neo773.

27th of Jun ’23
The ruby gem made by Jonathan De Jong was updated to support our v2 API and so the library table of features was updated to reflect this change.

13th of Jun ’23
The cache time displayed for queries was altered, it used to be 10 to 60 seconds, it is now 10 seconds to 10 minutes. The cache time is per-node and depends on how many queries you're sending per second with the higher the volume of queries you make resulting in a longer cache time.

12th of Jun ’23
Altered all references to requests per second (RPS) in the documentation as the limits have been raised from 125 to 200 RPS.

26th of Apr ’23
Altered the test console to support currency data which has been introduced in the latest version of the API. Added several currency related variables to the Custom Rules documentation.

25th of Jan ’23
Added a new section called Geography Data which introduces our new resources URL for gaining metadata relevent to our API results. Added references to currency data which is new in the API when using the &asn=1 flag, references included a new flag to disable currency data if desired.

14th of Jan ’23
Altered the server-side url example to include a warning about sending email addresses in URLs due to character conflicts, recommending instead to send them using the POST method.

4th of Jan ’23
Added references to postcodes which were added to the API output and also to custom rules for use in conditions and as variables. Altered the variable name for operators from %OPERATOR_NAME% to %OPERATORNAME%, both ways will function but the corrected name is more in-line with our design guidelines. Added postcodes to the test console.

29th of Oct ’22
Added references to timezones which were added to the API output and also to custom rules for use in conditions and as variables.

31st of Aug ’22
Added references to the new Dashboard API per-second request limits (2 per second / 20 per 10 seconds) to the Dashboard API tab.

12th of Aug ’22
Added a new query flag &short=1 which compresses the API result by removing one array depth from the result, this makes the API easier to parse in some languages. Updated the query flags section of the API documentation to enable a new VPN flag mode, &vpn=3 which displays both proxy and vpn results side-by-side instead of overwriting the VPN check result with a Proxy result.

13th of Jun ’22
Updated the query flags section of the API documentation to show support for &vpn=2 which allows you to disable proxy checks and only perform VPN checking.

1st of Jun ’22
Added a new Custom Lists sectioin to the Dashboard API tab. Removed the Whitelist/Blacklist documentation from the Dashboard API tab.

29th of May ’22
Multiple parts of the API documentation were updated to add information about disposable email checking which is a new feature of the API.

15th of Feb ’22
The text explaining how only one rule can execute within the custom rules feature was updated to explain that there is now a toggle to allow continued executed even after a rule is run.

21st of Jan ’22
Updated the test console to use categories for the dropdown options and added operator data under a new VPN selection. Updated the Custom Variables section of the custom rules tab to include our new %OPERATOR_NAME% variable.

3rd of Dec ’21
The page theme was updated to our new Glass theme for both light and dark modes.

10th of Nov ’21
Improved the appearance of data tables throughout the API documentation.

25th of Oct ’21
Improved the API documentations readability when viewed using our dark theme. Updated the Account Usage Exporting dashboard API output example with burst token availability and allowance responses.

3rd of Sep ’21
Updated the code libraries section as the Java library by DefianceCoding has received a major release which now supports our Dashboard API

20th of Aug ’21
The documentation now remembers which tab you last interacted with and shows it by default on a repeat visit. Corrected some poorly worded sentences within the Custom Rules documentation to make them easier to understand.

1st of Aug ’21
Updated the Custom Rule Limits section to show the new higher limits accounts now have. Removed the inf query flag from the API documentation as it has been depreciated, all queries now use inference with no way to disable it.

14th of May ’21
Added a new section to the Custom Rules tab which details the existence of the rule library found within the customer dashboard. Updated the Query Flags section to add documentation for the ver flag which allows you to override the version in use for your API request on a per-request basis.

24th of Apr ’21
Updated the Type Responses section to added two new types, SOCKS4A and SOCKS5H which are types of proxy server that provide hostname resolution.

16th of Mar ’21
Updated the Service Limits section to move South America to within the North American section as they are now both served by the same region.

10th of Feb ’21
Updated the North American Service Limits section as we have added another server to North America which raises the overall request limit for that region.

31st of Jan ’21
Updated the Service Limits section to detail how request limits are now region based due to new nodes coming online outside of Europe for the first time.

24th of Dec ’20
Updated the Dashboard API documentation to add a new section about how to use the new CORS API endpoint.

12th of Dec ’20
Added an explanation to the Query Flags section detailing that certain parts of our API response will be encoded using utf8 for maximum compatibility.

28th of Nov ’20
Updated the API documentation to add references to the Burst Token feature within the Service Limits section. Updated the Status Codes section to include new responses you may encounter as a result of Burst Tokens being used.

17th of Nov ’20
Added a python wrapper written by WardPearce which has full v2 API support.

10th of Nov ’20
Updated the cluster per-second request limits within the Service Limits section as we've added a new cluster node that increased the overall limit by 20%.

3rd of Nov ’20
Updated the Querying the API section to include detailed information about how to perform client-side API requests.

14th of Oct ’20
The test console was updated to include "Residential" and "Business" as new clean type responses.

17th of Aug ’20
Added a new type "Business" which joins the new Residential, Wireless and Hosting types.

3rd of Aug ’20
Updated the types section to include new responses we are testing internally those include Residential, Wireless and Hosting type responses.

1st of Aug ’20
Added support for showing users how many Custom Rules they have access to on the Custom Rules tab if they're logged into an account. This also displays any extra rules they've gained for properly securing their account with a password and two-factor authenticator.

20th of Jun ’20
Added documentation for the new Region and Region Code information now exposed by the v2 API when providing the &asn=1 flag with your queries.

23rd of Apr ’20
The section regarding CDN Caching was updated to include information about our new Adaptive Caching feature.

2nd of Mar ’20
Documentation updated to show new cluster request limits as we've increased cluster capacity by 25% today.

1st of Feb ’20
Updated all of our API documentation to support the availability of our continent location data.

22nd of Dec ’19
Updated the Custom Rules documentation to include new screenshots and instructions on how to use our condition groups feature.

27th of Nov ’19
Added a new section to the Dashboard API tab detailing our new tag dashboard API that lets you get detailed data about your tag use including detection types and addressess associated with your tags.

24th of Aug ’19
Added a new library for Node.js written by PLASMAchicken. Has full support for our v2 API and our Dashboard API's

20th of Aug ’19
Added a new Custom Variables section to the Custom Rules tab which shows users how to use variables inside their output modifiers custom value boxes.

4th of Aug ’19
Added a new tab which documents how to use our Custom Rules feature present within the customer dashboard.

27th of Jul ’19
Updated the new Attack History documentation within the Risk Score section to make clear the attack history shown adheres to the &days= flag you specify with your request.

23rd of Jun ’19
Added new Attack History documentation to the Risk Score sections, added attack history support to the test console.

19th of Jun ’19
Added a table to the Service Limits section to explain how our CDN caches queries for different account types.

1st of Jun ’19
Per second request limiter resolution increased from 1 second to 10 seconds. Documentation was updated to reflect this change. CDN Edge caching was enabled, your queries are now cached for 10 seconds at the edge (unique, per-customer caching, uses entire request url as cache salt)

24th of May ’19
Updated the Code Libraries section to indicate that the PHP Library authored by now has full dashboard API support, previously it only had partial support.

18th of May ’19
Completely redesigned the API Documentation, now includes a movable side navigation menu, rewritten most documentation, a brand new test console and removal of v1 API documentation.

24th of Apr ’19
The v2 API documentation was updated to include two new status codes for request limits. We now have a soft per-second request limit of 100 and a hard limit of 125. Updated the &days= flag to show it now supports float values, you can for example supply &days=0.01 to check our data from only within the past 24 minutes.

19th of Apr ’19
Updated the v2 documentation to include our new risk flag which provides you with a risk assessment score between 0 and 100 when checking an IP Address against the API.

6th of Mar ’19
Added new documentation for the pagination feature which has been added to the JSON export feature of the positive detection log wishin customer dashboards.

19th of Feb ’19
Added new type responses for ShadowSocks and OpenVPN servers.

12th of Feb ’19
Altered the API Call text for the v2 API to make it more clear that multiple addresses can be checked within a single request using a POST method.

20th of Dec ’18
The v2 API documentation was updated to include new information about our ASN flag which now includes city, langitude and longitude coordinates if known for the IP being checked.

23rd of Nov ’18
Updated the v2 API documentation to include all current type responses and explanations for them.

15th of Nov ’18
Updated the v2 API documentation to say we now allow 10,000 IP's to be checked in a single query up from 1,000.

6th of Aug ’18
The way our tag flag functions has been altered and so we adjusted the tag flag documentation to include an explanation on how you can disable tagging. We also added a new section regarding the storage limits of positive detections within your account when supplying blank tags.

3rd of Jul ’18
Country ISO Codes were added to both the v1 and v2 API endpoints when supplying the &asn=1 flag and so the documentation was updated to include this new response in all examples.

29th of Jun ’18
Added a new Country Array section which lists all the countries you can expect in a query response from our API when using the &asn=1 flag.

27th of Jun ’18
Added a new Query Flag Reference section.

26th of May ’18
A new export API has been added to the Dashboard API tab so you can view your daily query allowance.

4th of May ’18
New status codes and messages have been added to the v2 API, the documentation on this page has been updated with all the information regarding this new feature.

19th of Apr ’18
Updated v2 API documentation to include new Port, Days and Seen flags. Changed format of flag viewing to a cursor hover and reveal interface.

15th of Mar ’18
Updated wording on v2 API documentation to explain the API now allows 1,000 IP Addresses to be checked in a single query and we now have a 90 second processing time limit per query made. New specific error text examples were added to the bottom of the v2 API documentation.

5th of Feb ’18
Updated the API documentation for our new v2 API endpoint, altered the appearance of the page to use our new CSS style.

1st of Jan ’18

Last update: 11th of August 2024
11th of August 2024
Corrected a link to the GDPR page for the GDPR section.
12th of August 2022
Initial creation of the Changelog page.