Upcoming improvements to VPN and ASN results

When we launched our recent refresh of the v2 API in March we spoke about some of the things we were planning for the near future including VPN and ASN lookup speed enhancements.

Today we're ready to share with you a preview of those performance enhancements and they are quite significant. So firstly we'd like to show you how long it takes to check 100 IP Addresses under the current v2 API when checking both for VPN's and ASN's but with the Real-Time Inference Engine turned off.

Current v2 API with VPN and ASN checks enabled: 100 IP Addresses in one query

Query Time: 22.326 Seconds

And now with our new code, with the same level of accuracy.

New v2 API with VPN and ASN checks enabled: 100 IP Addresses in one query

Query Time: 0.452 Seconds

That's a dramatic improvement. But look what happens when we check 1,000 IP Addresses using the new code.

New v2 API with VPN and ASN checks enabled: 1,000 IP Addresses in one query

Query Time: 2.882 Seconds

And this is with no caching, all of these addresses were generated randomly and haven't been put through the API previously. With this kind of speed improvement it means there's no reason not to enable VPN and ASN checks any longer. We've found in testing that the previous code would take between 250ms and 350ms for both a VPN and ASN reply on a single address within a single query.

But with the new code we're seeing results of between 6ms and 10ms (depending on the node answering the query) for a single address in a single query and between 2-3ms per IP when performing a multi-check. These are huge improvements and it's not just about speed we're also enabling enhanced VPN checks with this new code so that we can detect VPN's more efficiently.

We think we'll be rolling this update out later this week on our v2 API, you won't need to alter any of your client side code as the result format from the API is not being altered.

Thanks for reading and have a great week!
