Summer Cleaning

We think the saying is spring cleaning but we're almost through summer now. Over the past two days you may have noticed the site has gone through a lot of changes, especially the dashboard.

We've altered the appearance of many forms, added icons to most buttons across the site, improved the wording and formatting of emails and upgraded our previous site icon pack from Font Awesome 4 to Font Awesome 5 Pro.

We absolutely love Font Awesome and their newest icon series is the best yet, we've upgraded to their paid icons this time around (previous packs never had a paid option) because the new pro exclusive thin line icons are simply awesome.

We hope you all like the changes. We've had these in our development pipeline for quite a while since we did our last site appearance update on June 4th infact.

Thanks for reading and we hope everyone has a great weekend, we ourselves are taking the weekend off but we'll be back working on things on Monday.
