Query Exhausted Emails

In late July we added a new feature to the service where when a customer went over their daily query allowance for five days consecutively they were sent an email to let them know. So far we'e sent quite a few of these emails but we've been wanting to improve how they look and what information they present to users.

Today we've gone through and changed how these emails look, what they say and the information displayed. Now you'll be given a six day query overview so you can more quickly ascertain how many queries you've been making so you can make an informed decision about your usage of the API. Below is what this new email looks like.

You'll notice in this example my account is a free registered account so I currently have a 1,000 daily query allowance. You'll also note I've gone over this allowance today and for the past 4 days as shown in red but five days ago I didn't go over and so that shows in green.

The email is simply informational so that our customers are made aware that the service[s] they're protecting with our API are going unprotected for some part of each of the past five days. They are at no point told they must make any alterations to how they query the API or that they must purchase a paid plan.

If you receive one of these emails please don't be alarmed as your account is not in jeopardy, these emails are simply for your information, we know setting up monitoring for all the API's you use is time intensive so we have developed this to take care of it on your behalf. You can of course disable these emails in your customer dashboard.

We hope you like these changes, we know it's not as flashy as some of our other unveils but these kinds of features are what we consider foundational and thus important enough to share.

Thanks for reading and have a great day.
