Today we've set our January 14th API version from beta to stable and it's now the default and recommended version of the API. With that, we would like to detail the new currency result in the API in a little more detail.
Above is a screenshot showcasing three different address results and the currency information for the countries to whom those addresses are assigned. As you can see we display the isocode, the name of the currency and the symbol. To activate the currency information simply supply &asn=1 with your requests.
We're still welcoming any corrections users may have for this data as there are some disputes about which symbols should be used to represent specific currencies even within a country's borders and so we're having to make some judgement calls on a case-by-case basis.
With this addition to the API it should now be easier than ever for you to localise your content for specific visitors, we've been asked a lot for more tools to pinpoint a user's local metadata beyond just location information and that's why we added timezones and now currencies, we are looking to expand the amount of data we offer within this same sphere in the future.
Thanks for reading and have a wonderful week!