Minor Node Issue with HELIOS

Around 10 hours ago an intermittent syncing issue with our HELIOS node began where by it wasn't syncing some of its data with the other nodes in our cluster, stats data and new user registrations specifically were not being synced by this node. This morning we discovered the issue and it has been corrected by the time you're reading this post.

At no point did any customer data become lost and your query stats should show correctly as of right now. Also at no time was the API giving bad or incomplete data as the syncing of that information was working correctly at all times.

We're very sorry that this occurred and we're investigating why HELIOS was not removed from the cluster permanently, our initial findings seem to indicate it synced up completely a few times and then re-entered the cluster only to fall out of sync almost immediately and then was removed again after a long delay. We will be adjusting our cluster architecture to be more resilient to these kinds of intermittent faults in the future.

In an unrelated event we're having some latency issues with our ASN data suppliers network which has resulted in diminished ASN information and also higher latency. Expect 4-5 second replies for queries that contain the ASN flag and for the information to be incomplete (lacking country information sometimes). We expect to have this working correctly again soon.

Thank you for your patience and have a great day.
