Today, we would like to share a big improvement we have made to our API's disposable mail-checking feature. We launched this feature a few years ago and it lets you check whether an email address belongs to a disposable or temporary mail service so that you can deny service to uncontactable users.
The biggest roadblock we've encountered since launching this feature has been the collection of disposable domain names from the hundreds of sites that offer temporary mail services. The reason for that is their increasing use of anti-bot technology, which made it hard for us to collect their domains in an automated fashion. Often requiring us to collect them by hand which meant there were large periods where certain temporary mail services were underrepresented in our data.
That however has changed over the past several days since we deployed a new gathering system which utilises AI agents to browse these sites, solve captchas and other anti-bot screens to collect the domains. More than half of the sites we profile (and there are a few hundred) employ some kind of anti-bot screening or captcha system.
But with our new AI agent-driven gatherer we've been able to add hundreds to thousands of new domains to our database every day since deployment thus making our disposable mail system much more effective.
So that's the update for today, we hope you'll try the disposable mail detection and feel free to let us know what you think or if you've found a disposable mail site that is giving you results we don't have, send us a message and let us know, we'll build a profile for them.