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Hello everyone this is the first feature email newsletter we've sent to you and we do have quite a few changes to communicate to you. If you have any questions please feel free to email us at [email protected]
As some of you may be aware it has been just over one year since our service became available and since that time we have seen a huge number of developers make use of our API. We currently have thousands of users utilising our API through software developed by themselves and other customers. It has been baked into many popular server protection plugins making it accessible to a wide range of people.
Recognising that the API is being heavily used and seeing very high month over month growth rates we have been investing heavily into the API this year with new features and improvements. So lets go through those below.
We hope you like these new changes. Before we wrap up this email though we would like to go through two features in more detail the tagging feature and the blacklist/whitelist.
With the tagging feature you may be wondering why you would need this. Well we understand many of our customers are not only using the API to protect one thing but they are potentially protecting different aspects of a single service or multiple services that they operate. And so you may feel the need to create logging of positive detections on your side for later analysis. But this is complicated to setup and requires you setup a database.
So to make things easier we have added query tagging so you can send with your API query to us a description of what the query means to you. For example "Forum Signup Page". Then when there is a positive detection you can view the IP Address what type of Proxy it was (Proxy or VPN) and the descriptive tag you supplied with that query allowing you to followup with your users.
One powerful usage scenario for this feature is site wide protection, in our PHP function example on GitHub we have included automatic domain and page tagging with queries so you can know exactly what webpage a proxy (or VPN) was blocked on without you needing to change the code for each individual page you protect, it's just an easy to use single reusable function.
Something we heard from our customers very early on was they would like the ability to whitelist and blacklist IP Addresses/Ranges because sometimes they want to allow a specific set of users to access their resources whilst behind a Proxy or VPN service. And transversely the opposite so they can easily block users who ban evade or generally are unwanted on their service.
Like the tagging feature we know the reason we were asked to introduce the feature is because maintaining a whitelist/blacklist feature on the customers side is complicated requiring some coding ability and a maintained database. Furthermore it may not always be possible depending on the deployment environment to create such a feature.
It is for this reason we added both to the dashboard and we know that our system is approachable. You're presented with a large whitelist/blacklist text area which within you can write absolutely anything, this enables you to write descriptive comments and descriptions for why a specific IP or Range has been placed there. Our software then intelligently lifts only the valid Addresses and Ranges from the text boxes. This system means anyone can use the system with only a passing knowledge of the IP Address system.
That's all we have for you today. We know it was quite a long read but the important thing to take away from this is that we are committed to providing you with great service and part of that means continued investment by us into our service. We are also committed to providing all our free tier customers full access to all our features with paid service only providing more daily queries as we believe everyone should have access to a high quality proxy detection API to protect their services, businesses and users.
Thank you.